Looking to learn more about the benefits of blogging?

If so, you’re not alone: on top of being cost-effective, consistent blogging is widely touted as one of the most powerful forms of organic digital marketing in 2022 and beyond.

Let’s dive into how blogging works, its main benefits, and, of course, how you should be leveraging it for your business.

How Does Blogging Work? 

Blogs come in two main formats: short-form and long-form.

A short-form blog is a blog that has a word count of between 200 – 600 words, and their purpose is to raise readers’ awareness of a company and its products and services. Long-form blog content, on the other hand, generally ranges between 600 – 5000 words; 

The Main Three Benefits of Blogging for Your Website

In this section, we will look at the three main benefits of blogging: how blogging proves your expertise in your niche, how it drives traffic to your site, and how it raises your website’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization). 

1. Blogging Establishes You as An Expert in your Niche

Have you met someone online or in person who claims to be an expert in a certain area, yet when you ask them a certain question, they sidestep it or suddenly cut off contact? It’s frustrating to know you wasted your time on them and were taken in by their untruth. 

You want to show that you are an expert in your field and that you’re not the sort of person to lead customers astray. Do your research, triple-check your facts and your clients will see that you have the experience and knowledge to answer their questions. 

2. Blogging Drives Organic Traffic to Your Site

Benefit #2: driving natural traffic to your site. It feels good when you finally publish that blog post you’ve been working on for the past couple of weeks. You’ve got a solid grasp of the topic and you’ve gone through the post with a fine-toothed comb looking for any inconsistencies that you might have missed the first time around. 

If you want a bigger audience, potentially a global one, then you have to think big. Social media websites like LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are great ways to draw the public’s eye to your blog. 

3. Blogging Elevates Your Website’s SEO 

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is what helps your website’s presentation in results provided by search engines like Google. Blog posts that are original, germane, and helpful will aid in getting your blog noticed and keep your readers coming back for more. 

Written content doesn’t have to be the only key attraction. Videos and podcasts can also help your blog’s SEO by putting a fresh twist on the kind of content you offer. Use these three devices in conjunction on your blog and see what happens! 

Other Benefits of Blogs

Now that you know the three main benefits of blog, let’s take a look at some other benefits of blog writing.

Blogging helps you to:

  • Convert traffic into leads. Every blog post you publish is a chance to create leads. What does this mean? Putting a call-to-action at the end of every blog post. 
  • Drive long-term results. The greatest business blogs answer collective questions asked by readers and customers. When you are consistent and create beneficial content regularly, your target audience recognizes you as a guide and chief advisor in your industry. 
  • Build valuable links. Inbound links or backlinks are just one of the 200 aspects recognized by Google’s algorithm for a site’s ranking. 58.1% of SEO experts agree that backlinks have a large impact on the rankings of search engines. 

How Done-For-You Blogging Services Help

Our done-for-you blogging service ensure that you’re being given back valuable time. You’ll get to spend time with your family and friends and focus on running your business instead of panicking over the constantly changing SEO best practices. 

Reach out to us today to find out how our blogging services can benefit you.